Friday, May 8, 2009

Post 2

We did a neat activity in predep today. We looked at all the people we want to communicate with this summer, and what they are likely thinking right now. Then we figured out how to change this to what we want them to be thinking. Ergo, blog post number 2...

...A week or so ago, I saw the whole pre-dep (as in predeparture training) thing as a massive black box. The scary pre-dep mystique. Time to change this, so I will paint a little picture for the interested reader, and the uninterested reader can skip to paragraph (*).

U of T is an awesome campus. Sitting at a window in the engineering building I am looking out over Collage St. Cyclists and cars and pedestrians pass by 2 floors below me, and I'm surrounded by old brick buildings. Straight ahead is the CN tower. I love looking at other people's campuses, I guess its my version of stalking, and a campus in the downtown area is really sweet. Still haven't found the library, but all the doors are locked, so I won't have a chance to explore today.

The last couple days have been pretty insane. I'm at about 10 hours of sleep for the last 3 nights, and I would say that each day is as mentally demanding as exam season. Its a bit like national conference, but with fewer people per workshop, and homework, not drinking to end off the day. Definately no chance for midday naps, and sleeping in would be grounds for 'unfortunate accidents'. Each day is full from 9 AM to 7 PM (at least) of workshops, tours, role plays, case studys, and discussion.

And the EWB house! Picture 25 people crammed into a 3 floor house. And each floor 2/3 the size of the engineering lounge at SFU! Rules and lists for shower times, house rules, cooking and cleaning days, and of course every bit of floor space and couch space taken up. I think I'm just a little bit too introverted to want to spend all my free time there, which is probably why I'm hiding in the engineering building at U of T listening to my ipod. Besides, last couple evenings involved lots of sitting around on the couches with everyone on thier laptops, so I don't feel too bad about hiding for an hour infront of my laptop. Oh, and not a huge fan of rules, though I am looking forward to cooking with my cooking team on monday. Suggestions? I need it to be vegitarian, and for 25 people.

(Paragraph (*))

Toronto vs. Vancouver? Tough question. I had a really decent sushi lunch with Danny Howard yesterday; food here is pretty decent. Transit is amazing! Picture a subway like the skytrain, except the train is actually as long as the platform i.e. 10 or 15 cars long. Streetcars are genius... they are electric powered, but only have one wire. I guess that means they ground themselves through the track – hence genius. But Vancouver has the ocean, and skimboarding, and mountains. And get this, the milk here comes in plastic bags! You have to buy special milk pouring jugs, then you pour the milk from those... its like a 3 step process. Milk jugs just seem so much easier to me.

So what's coming up? Why did I write a blog post now? I suspect that I will be 80 – 100 km away from internet of any sort this summer, and while I thought a pre-dep post was kinda lame, it is definately my best chance to use my blog. Soon as I get a cell phone in Zambia, I'm thinking of linking it to a Twitter account (search Mike Henrey). That way I can use my cell phone to update everyone. And then you all can twitter to my phone (I think) from your computers... which if it works may be cheaper than you texting me. Advise me on twittering if you are familiar, because I definately am not.

Another problem I have with lack of internet is solving my insatiable need for information. So here's my plan: Say I need some specialized piece of data for my work, i.e. average maize prices for the last 5 years in Lusaka. Then I update my twitter, or send out some texts. Then you can all get to your fancy internet capable devices, find the answers I need, and text me back. So yeah, don't be suprised if you get some strange messages over the summer. Also, if you can think of a good way of sending graphs, or information that wouldn't fit in a text (I was thinking picture messaging, but haven't hashed out the deets yet, or figured a way to do it cheap, and have no idea of the capabilities of my Zambia phone until I see it), let me know.

Otherwise, just thought I'd let you all know that training is pretty sweet, albeit pretty mentally taxing. I'm aiming to post again before I leave, to fill you in on my most updated placement details, possibly some fun stories from pre-dep, and of course to make you all super jealous that I'm off to Zambia. Until then I'll keep busy with kicking some pre-dep ass...



  1. Hey Mike! *waves*

    Glad you arrived unscathed into the big T. Pre-dep sounds like school! LOL, no, it sounds fun. School on the other hand sadly is not. But I can't complain, my schedule is now pretty sweet since I've switched my elective :) I've got classes MWF only! Damn, U of T sounds gorgeous! I've been in Toronto twice but I never got the chance to visit the campus. It's probably a lot like SFU Harbour Centre, right smack dab in the middle of Downtown. I would probably get distracted with shopping and food. Good call on the Twitter (although I think it's pretty lame - oops, did I say that out loud) it'll probably save you loads of trouble if your Internet connection is spotty. Anyhow, get some sleep and enjoy yourself! Have a safe trip to Zambia!


  2. Hi Mike! I recommend Pasta Sauce. And you know, accompanying pasta.

  3. Finally a use for twitter. I volunteer to be an info-hunter of sorts. Keep us updated on your cellphone situation.

  4. I'll be sure to check up on you via twitter. Like John said, finally my account will have a use!

  5. Sweet! Sounds awesome everyone, I'll let you know once I get my cellphone, (maybe over twitter?)

  6. WTF is Twitter :P...Facebook for birds?

    Sounds like a simpler / cheeper option to texting. You know I sit at my laptop all day instead of paying attention to what I should be doing so information tunneling (sp) should work'l keep me busy :).

    GL In Zambia!
